19 June 2012

thirty days

I'm always inspired by other bloggers' photos of simple things. I've been trying to take some iphone shots this week of my daily life.

Taking these photos helps me appreciate the small, simple things I do and see here. Soon it'll be a distant memory, but I know there's a lot to look forward to.

My good friend from China just came to visit. She was only here for a couple of days, but it was good and refreshing to see her for the first time in over two years. We met our very first week of freshman year in college and have been friends ever since. Today when we said goodbye, it dawned on me that I might never see her again. I may never be in Korea ever again, or even in Asia. I'm saddened by the thought and am unsure how to process it. It's easy to get overwhelmed by sadness and self pity, but I want to keep my focus on the fact that God is good. He has been unbelievably good during my time here and has shown himself faithful over and over.

I make promises to him and break them, but he's still there. I choose other lovers, or the pride of life, or something besides him to fill me and sustain me, but he's constant. He is gracious and slow to anger, but he is also a judge (another topic for another day). I can't express in words the deep, deep gratitude I have toward my Heavenly Father for keeping me steady in his hand this last year and six months. I've messed up so many times. I've done things I said I'd never do. Yet here I am in the end, thirty days to go, standing firm on the solid rock with confidence, joy, and thanksgiving. I hope I live the rest of my days before his eyes; it's only by his strength.

p.s. Follow me on instagram! My username is angloum. (Click here to see my instagrams online).

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